Some news stories from the Profound to the Profane
Mark Felt, second in command of the FBI in the 1970s, was "Deep Throat", the mysterious figure who aided Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their investigation of the Watergate break-in. His "follow the money" became a mantra and is still in use some 30 years later. His belief that the constitution should trump all made him a beacon, albeit unknown, to millions of Americans. it is difficult to comprehend the effect that Felt had on politics. "Deep Throat" made it cool to be an informant. And he looked like Hal Holbrook! We hardly knew ya, Mr. Felt, but we will miss you.
Dock Ellis, the former NY Met, who threw a no-hitter while with the Pittsburgh Pirates while he was high on LSD has died at 63. How did he throw such a no-hitter when under the influence of drugs? He said during an interview that the catcher's glove was right there and he just dropped the ball right in.
Mets bullpen, take note!
WTF are these guys?
Well, these guys are brothers, 57 and 52, who have combined for 10 perfect games (in bowling, for those of you who do not know). What makes 'em special this week?
They rolled them together -Yep, during the same game and for the same team.
The odds of such a thing happening? Well, according to Ed " a million to one?"
Our staff of mathematicians has come up with another number: 500 million to one!
Corporate megalo-mart Wal-Mart comes to the rescue after evil corporation Stop and Shop dashes a childhood dream of a perfect birthday party.
Yes, I am talking about Stop and Shop's refusal to personalize a cake for little Adolph Hitler Campbell.
What is this world coming to?
I mean the parents are evil dunces - but is that reason to punish the kids?
Wal-Mart, trying to restore its beleaguered image after it allowed a worker in my area to be trampled to death on Black Friday, stepped right up to the plate and said that they had no problem with writing the name of the worst killer in the history of mankind on a birthday cake.
Where would we be without Wal-Mart!
I mean, where are these obviously loving parents going to go when Adolph's little sister, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, turns two in a few months.
About Me

- Holysmokes
- A LITTLE - VERY LITTLE - ABOUT ME I've been watching movies since before I could walk and since I've retired from the big Insurance Industry after 38 years, I have watched more movies than I care to admit. Yet, people still come to me and say 'hey Mike, what's a good movie?' and of course I give my views. So I said to myself, self, you have a Blogger account. Create a new blog with movie reviews. And thus I do so now.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Weekly Round Up
Posted by
10:52 AM
Labels: News
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Running Man
As many of you know from my companion blog (which is in dire need of a chapter 2) The Weight Loss Chronicles ( I became a runner.
Well, I ran my first race, the Inwood 5k, and much to my surprise a photographer from the local paper snapped the runners as they sprinted from the finish line.
That's me (Number 156) handsome devil that I am, obviously fixing myself (why else would the hand be in the pocket?) so there was no man-soreness at the end of the three mile run.
I am proud that I ran a race and I am glad I ran it with my son, who is also in the picture.
Here it is:
Posted by
9:07 PM
Labels: Running
Monday, December 15, 2008
Couldn't help myself
I know I haven't blogged in a while but i could not resist this one.
A Canadian judge (eh!) threw out a lawsuit by a British Columbia man who said that his brain was yes, I can't make this up, INVADED by tech companies and the coppers.
A yokel named Jerry Rose filed the lawsuit about one month ago in Canada. Named defendants included Google and Microsoft as well as the Mounties.
These were the evil folks who were "responsible for invading his brain and manipulating his thoughts", The Province newspaper in Vancouver reported.
In addition to the monetary damages, the lawsuit demanded a red 2007 Ferrari, a black 2009 Lamborghini, two 2008 V-Rod Harley Davidson motorcycles, two 2008 Honda dirt bikes and a 2009 black Dodge pickup truck, the report said.
But here is the part that gets me -
The judge initially refused to dismiss the case.
Could it be in this day and age that there is a judge out there who believes in brain invasion???
Why did it take so long to rule that "the allegations were wild speculation and bound to fail"
I am guessing that the judge believed the allegations in the lawsuit until the grand wizard of his local chapter of the National Unity Transmission Society (NUTS) that monitors cell phone usage secretly did not want their secrets getting out.
Posted by
7:35 PM
Labels: cell phones
Obviously, I disagree with the results
Khaye Cardenas - “The Woman's Silent Prayer” - Every woman's silent prayer.
Dragon Blogger - “Two Sides To Every Tale” - Poem about a man being wrongly accused and sentenced.
Dragon Blogger - “Why Does Mommy Cry?” - Emotional poem about parents fighting from the mind of a child.
Daisy Bookworm - “Breath” - A poem detailing the evils of wearing real, steel boned corsets for a woman.
exquisite corpse – “Great Is The Morning” – Collaborative Poetry.
Jenn - “Worlds Apart (Chapter One)” - The first chapter of a multi-part story about a relationship doomed by the time in which it occurred.
Jennifer M Scott - “Dear God” - a woman writes a letter to god asking for her death.
Opinion / Non-Fiction / Non Fiction Rant
Harneet Singh - “Life with an Aim” - Today people are becoming more materialistic. They attach their aim of life with the materialistic things.
Amritbir Kaur - “The Yardsticks of Life - Success and Failure” - Is life measurable? Can we divide it into watertight compartments of success and failure? Find answers to these and much more...
About Writing
Khaye Cardenas – “Please Excuse Me I Am Writing Again” - The writer talks about the things that keep her from writing.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention" (WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top 5 posts as chosen by the December 26, 2008 WOOF Contest participants. We are back up and running! Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends January 10. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 2 weeks using the form at the bottom of this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 12/26/08
Dragon Blogger - “The Creature” - Random Twitter poem based on 8 words provided on twitter, was one of my better poems.
Dragon Blogger & Jennifer M. Scott - “A Lone Wolf’s Heart” - A co-authored poem created by Summerdragon80 and myself emailing back and forth.
Dragon Blogger - “Coming Out Of Your Cocoon” - Poem about transformation and starting life anew.
Daisy Bookworm - “The Words” - The power of one sentence to save a condemned soul.
Dragon Blogger - “Wash Away These Troubles” - Random Twitter poem about washing away your troubles in the rain.
Dragon Blogger - “Giving In To The Succubi / Chemical Reaction” - Two poems crafted from the same 9 random words, 1 light and 1 dark.
Dragon Blogger - “Patterns” - Poem about an artist painting.
Dragon Blogger - “Sunshine” - Poem about Nuclear Aftermath.
Jennifer M Scott - “Buck Shot” - Poem about getting their first buck.
Dragon Blogger - “The Lost Target” - Poem about an assassin who falls in love with his target.
Dragon Blogger - “The World At Nightmare's End” - Chaotic Poem that was titled via a contest, was originally untitled.
exquisite corpse – “Great Is The Morning” – Collaborative Poetry.
H. Benjamin Petrie - “Gumdrop Coat” - Desiring a girl in a gumdrop green raincoat, leading up to a kiss.
Opinion / Non-Fiction / Non Fiction Rant
Mike Fried - “Ubiquity in My Town (with apologies to J. Joyce)” - A rant on Blackberries.
My Friend Gumby's Joke
My Weight Loss Chronicle
Quotes To Chew On!!!!
The Simpsons (Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie [9F03]) 1992
Michael Corleone: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed!Michael Corleone: Oh. Who's being naive now Kay?
The Godfather 1972
Smokes' Favorite Links

August 1, 1942 - August 9, 1995