Monday, June 30, 2008

American International Group - An American International Fairy Tale

I used to work at this piece of shit Company.

It was a great Company when this man ran it.

Then this asshole

forced the old guy out and the Company put this helmet head in

The biggest thing this jerkoff did was pay $50,000,000 to Manchester United, the soccer team - like who the fuck watches soccer?????? - before he told the world that AIG was going to have to take a $13.5 billion hit on the subprime debacle.

Then this asshole

got caught with a hooker and became this guy

and this guy

started criticizing this guy

and the Board got rid of him and put in a guy so unknown that there is no picture of him on the internet.

The happy ending: I sold my stock between $69 per share and $78 per share.

Now it trades at $27.75 and will go lower.


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