Sunday, June 29, 2008

RIP George 1937- 2008

My first exposure to George Carlin was at my friend Andy's house. he got this new album entitled "Class Clown" and it was known for the "Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television".

Shit. Piss. Fuck. Cunt. Cocksucker. Motherfucker. and Tits.
We might as well get them out of the way.
Carlin's use of language was beyond reproach and as I listened to the 7 words i was amazed at how effectively he used language. My personal favorite use of language was the following:

"Here's one they just made up: "near miss". When two planes almost collide, they call it a near miss. It's a near hit. A collision is a near miss."

But it wasn't Carlin's use of language that grabbed me when I first listened to Class Clown. it was the sheer insanity of the title track.
Describing the insanity of growing up in the constrictions of the classroom when wanting to just not be there, I felt Carlin was talking directly to me.

The musical instruments (nose, throat, the artificial fart under the arm), the reason for doing all of these things (to make the girls puke), the holy of holies (getting someone to pass a liquid through their nose) - all of these things I had either done or strived to do.

From that moment on, George and I were inseparable.
Any new album was purchased and memorized. Books were purchased and voraciously consumed. He was my friend. I could quote passages of his books or his records verbatim.
While I knew of his ill-health, I was unprepared to hear of his untimely death last week. I am still processing the loss.
One thing is for sure - I had his web address in my Outlook contacts.
It's going to be a hell of a lot longer than 6 weeks before I take that listing out.
If you don't know what I mean then (to channel a little George) go fucking find out!!!!
we miss you george.
Rest In Peace.


GumbyTheCat said...

You were the first commenter on my blog, so allow me to leave the first comment on yours. "No", you say? Too freakin' bad :)

Good start to the blog. Carlin will indeed be missed.

Holysmokes said...

Thanks pal. I owe it to you!

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