Monday, June 30, 2008

A Parting Shot for tonight

You can read the article yourself right here but there is some damned fool talk about an Actor's strike.

What's going on with these morons in Hollywood?

Don't they realize that the Writer's Strike (as noble and righteous as it was) hurt the entertainment industry as a whole?

Don't they realize that the average citizen is more concerned with rising gas prices and the economy rather than how much high paid actors in Hollywood want to get more.

I don't want to minimize the fact that there are many actors and actresses who make less than i do and they need to get their piece of the pie; however, now is NOT the time.

More shows will be cancelled. I mean, fer Christ's sake, Back To You was cancelled.

Where will we be if The Sarah Connor Chronicles is cancelled as well?

Not that I care overall. I have a huge DVD collection, Bill O'Reilly is on every night and I like to read books.

I always thought that Alan Rosenberg was a weak link on L.A. Law.

Let's hope he can keep both sides at the bargaining table.

I hope I wake up tomorrow and find out there is no strike.

Goodnight all!!!!


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