Wednesday, September 24, 2008

PETA: Off the Deep End -- AGAIN!

It's been a while since I have blogged (primarily because the new fall season has started) but I feel that I must post after reading the latest insanity from PETA.

Evidently, PETA wants Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream to stop using cow milk in its ice cream.

What???? No milk in Ice Cream???????

No, there will be milk in ice cream.

BREAST milk.

How sick is that?

Evidently, these retards at PETA want all of us to figuratively suck on the teat.

Mmmm...all because a Swiss restaurateur has decided that he is going to serve breast milk from nursing mothers.

This is supposed to lessen the suffering of cows from the milking process, but let me ask you this: Isn't a teat a teat? I mean, one teat is considerably larger than the other teat and you don't have to worry with whom the larger teat has slept.

In all seriousness, the folks from PETA have finally gone off the deep end. All I need is some crack ho donating her milk to Ben & Jerry's. I'll come down with a mystery disease and even Dr. House, MD will not be able to figure out it was from my nightly dose of Ben & Jerry's.

And what would we call the flavors???

Double Vanilla Chunks?
Titty Garcia?
Chubby Boobies?
Chocolate Peanut Breast Swirl?

Well, PETA is right about one thing:

The Breast IS Best.


GumbyTheCat said...

Membership in PETA is like a sanity litmus test. If you join, you're insane.

Holysmokes said...

How True.

PETA really stands for

People who believe that
Everything is worth
and stating loony views so that they all become laughingstocks.

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