Monday, August 4, 2008

New Feature: For Your Amusement: The Best of Professor Philo B. Veritas

If any of you have ever posted on Topix you know that there are those who post anonymously and use that anonymity not to spread ideas but to spread vitriol and bile. One of my favorites is a guy named Professor Veritas who IN MY OPINION morphed into a guy called Philo Beddo. When Professor Veritas demanded that I die from Cancer, I knew that I was witnessing the start of something good. And then in the beginning of 2008 The Professor disappeared and Philo arrived and they posted from the same place in Arizona but they were different people. Right!. IN MY OPINION, the guy is nothing but a liar. I mean what are the chances that two guys posting from the same place have both authored articles against John McCain for an Arizona Newspaper. Only Philo forgot that and also claimed he was a cable lineman.

We are going to give a little history lesson here. Not every day but often enough to keep it fresh.

For perspective, It all started in October 2007 with these posts.

First Professor Veritas wrote:

"Yeah, you just keep on pretending that "Rick" and "Kill Terrorist" aren't the
same pig-ignorant, dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers, racist, bigoted, barely literate,
in-denial, boneheaded, stupid, pathetic, dumb-ass redneck posting under
different names so he can pretend to have someone who's as retarded as he is
supporting him.Funny how "both" of you keep responding to posts directed at the
other.You're almost half as smart as a kitchen sponge, and nearly twice as able
to learn."

and then after creating the profile on October 2, 2007, one of the first posts of the good professor as Philo Beddo was:

"It's obvious it's the same idiot posting under both names."

But he didn't stop: he also wrote as Philo B:

"The Professor's right. You're a total moron."

Doesn't this mean he is talking to himself. You can check it out here for yourself


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