Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why Must Congress Be Duplicitous?????

As was reported today on CNETnews.com:

The whopping housing bill that President Bush signed
into law last week does far more than merely address the nation's real estate
woes. Some sections have raised serious privacy concerns.

Tucked in near the end of the Housing and
Economic Recovery Act
is a requirement that banks and online payment
networks annually collect and report to the IRS electronic payments made to
online merchants. It takes effect in 2011, and will affect what information
companies like PayPal collect from their sellers and could raise privacy and
auditing complications.

The housing bill also finalized the SAFE Mortgage Licensing Act. As
CNET News.com previously reported, the provision creates a national
fingerprint registry
of "loan originators"--essentially anyone involved in
the mortgage industry. While intended to curb predatory lending, the measure has
come under fire for being potentially ineffective and unnecessarily invasive.

Why can't a Housing Bill be just a housing bill.

This is the same type of nonsense that gives rise to Pork Barrel Projects that ALL members of Congress love and why a child care bill includes a road project or a bridge to nowhere.

Damned Congress!!!


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