Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Science Post - What's Going on Here????

Here is a headline from

Exercise in a pill? Drugs show promise in mice

Is it just me or does anyone remember the late 50s and early 60s where experimentation on animals went horribly awry creating monsters that attacked large metropoli??????

I specifically remember hoards of gigantic killer ants attacking Los Angeles. The army only mobilized after a little girl walked out of the Mojave Desert and said "Them".

What about nuclear energy? Does anybody remember the radiation causing hoards of gigantic thunder lizards (some of whom had the power to expel bad breath and throw army tanks around as if they were toys!) running around cities especially in Japan!!!!!!

Now, Mice.

Exercise Mice specifically. These are cute little things. And I know the research is for good purposes but you do know that it is going to go awry.

These exercise mice will grow uncontrollably and will have pecs and deltoids and will kick the living shit out of every person that ever went after one of their descendants with a broom.

And what of the cats? Sure, there is a cat overpopulation and some countries eat, I mean drown, the excess kitties. But to go down having your head bitten off by a giant muscled exercise mouse is no way to go.

And of course the Army will fare no better. They never do. I'm sure the little Army tanks will slide on the giant exercise mouse droppings.

Will Science never learn?

Holy Smokes!!!!!!


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