Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our pal, Pal 1994 - 2007

One year ago, my family and I put our beloved dog, Pal, down after he was suffering with dog cancer.

July 3, 2007 was one of the hardest days of my life, coming home from work early knowing what had to be done yet having to wait until 830pm at night to do the most dastardly of deeds. For months afterwards my family and I, out of a profound sense of loss, would reflexively think he was still around.

My wife would come home from her mother's house, thinking she had to feed him. When I would go to sleep after watching movies late, I felt the need to shuffle into our darkened bedroom as I had when he was alive so I did not trip over him and hurt him.

He was without a doubt the most special dog we have ever met and he was our friend.

I find it difficult to write about him even now.

Pal, just know that we love you and we miss you very much.


GumbyTheCat said...

I dread the day Gumby heads for the Rainbow Bridge. I know full well how pets are part of the family.

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