Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My friend Gumby

My friend Gumby wrote an excellent post about the 100th Anniversary of the Tunguska Blast

You can read about it here.

He is a scientific guy. You can believe his explanation or you can listen to me.

It was the crash of a very large UFO.

Russian Scientist Alexander Kazantsev documents quite clearly how a Martian spaceship trying to get fresh water (sound familiar????? remember the Mars Rover DID just find evidence of water on Mars - Brian DePalma had it right) from nearby Lake Baikal when it blew up.

See, the composition of water on Earth is H2O.

On Mars, the composition of water is H2O2.5.

It was that extra 2.5, Kazantsev hypothesized, that did not comport well with the Martian technology and which caused the spaceship to explode with the force of 185 Hiroshima bombs, leveling the remote outpost.

Click Here for another horrific picture of the blast.

Kazantsev hypothesized even further that the martians were friendly to us puny earthlings giving us such things as Ayers Rock, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Sphinx and Millard Fillmore.

After the Tunguska blast the martians turned on us and wreaked havoc on earth until a crash of one of their smaller non-nuclear powered ships occured in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.

If you click here you can get an actual picture of the crash site from 1947.

It's all true.

I mean, it's on the internet.

It follows that it must be true.


GumbyTheCat said...

You better watch it... your blog might become a meeting place for whackjob conspiracy theorists :)

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