Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Missy the Fundy

Missy just posted the following comment

I hope that all of you that make this hateful and reckless comments about Heath burn blissfully in hell. It's so classy of you to take the plunge on him now that he can't fight back... Really brave!Yeah... Awesome.... Just fucking burn
in hell. All of you, motherfuckers.
My friend Gumby correctly points out that Missy is one of those Fundamentalists who preach fire and brimstone. I could have responded in the comments section but I wanted my faithful readers to see her comments up front.

Not only did she use bad words. She used bad words twice, feeling the need to post on multiple occassions. Must have LOVED that Ledger drug abuser.

keep the hits coming.

Oh, Missy, by the way: Us Jews don't believe in hell - so there won't be any burning by me.

But YOU, chickie-poo - not only are you going to burn in hell, you are most likely going to get sued by Peter Travers for copyright infringement by putting up links to his articles which he doesn't like. I know this because I know him. I have alerted him to your copyright violation.

Finally, on the subject of Heath Ledger, I'd like to offer an apology for my prior comments......


You take Drugs. You die. He took drugs. He died.

And his actions should not be rewarded.

And Missy, had I known he took drugs I woulda busted his balls while he was alive.


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