Jesse Jackson Civil Rights Destroyer.
On the O'Reilly Factor, Jesse Jackson, thinking the microphone was off said the following:
"See, Barack down to black people..on his faith based. I want to cut his nuts off."
Beyond reprehensible, really.
But what can we expect from Jackson who is 1984 as a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE no less referred to New York City as "Hymietown".
Larry Sabato's excellent piece from the Washington Post reported at how Jackson denied the remarks and blamed it on a Jewish conspiracy. And then he admitted the remarks were made but it was supposed to be made "off the record" as if that made it okay.
To make it worse, Jackson's good buddy and everyone's favorite anti-semite, Louis Farrakhan, threatened the Washington post reporter and Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan.
Good going Jesse.
Not even your role in The Man with The Golden Gun is going to save you.

I don't mind politicians making on-air gaffes.
I didn't mind George W. Bush calling a reporter an "asshole" thinking his microphone was off.
Most reporters are.
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."
But Jesse Jackson? He, like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, should be beyond forgiveness.
Both are reverends, notice that???
I hope the divinity school they went to has closed up
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